
Riot Escape

About: Riot Escape

Riot Escape is a large-scale obstacle course challenge. Overcome violent policemen and all obstacles to reach the finish line in the shortest time. Do you ever get stuck in the same room day in and day out? We all have days when we feel trapped and don't know how to get out. What if there was a way to get out, to explore and discover something new? What if there was a way to get out of our comfort zone and change the way we feel about something? That was the inspiration behind the creation of the Riot Escape Simulation Game! It is a sub-genre of Adventure Games and is a challenging game for players as each game is unique and offers a whole new experience.

To escape from the custody and control of ferocious policemen, he is always ready to smash his stick at anyone near. So you have to carefully observe the places where he stands, hides, hides to get past him. Quickly run through a series of obstacles to find an escape for yourself in this race. It doesn't matter if you are a hardened criminal or you are just the latest at this prison, there is only one rule that you all must follow to survive: escape! This is the harshest prison you will ever hear of. But there's a good reason for it. You will learn how to work as a team and how to think like a criminal.

How To Play Riot Escape

Use mouse or arrow keys to play in this game!

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